Nov 19, 2008

Winter Airsoft Games

Had to look twice at the Airsoft Battle Zone Game Calendar, can you believe it is mid November? This years summer and fall airsoft season has just zoomed by and we are about to kick off our Wisconsin snow filled Winter airsoft games. The next big scenario is Operation Santa Sleighed on December 28Th 2008 which features a fun politically incorrect story line about uncle Sam-A-Claus. It appears old Kris Kringle's toy land is not to big to fail and the US government is evicting Santa's whole crew out of the north pole factory so they can make it more profitable. Who writes this crap anyway? Hope to see you there!

In other news...Seems the new airsoft guns are flowing into the U.S.A. for Christmas 2008 and many new styles have been showing up at the games lately. Echo 1 p90's, KWA M4's and western arms blow back AEG's to name just a few of the new models. Custom guns are becoming popular among the WW2 players as the airsoft gun manufacturers have not kept up with the growing demand from the WW2 guys and gals. Well maybe next year!
The free airsoft bb target enhancement program kicked off last week at the Airsoft Battle Zone field and met with great success...We actually gave out more than 60,000 free airsoft bb's to players who brought a friend out to check out the games. Thanks to all the customers who have helped give this program a shining start...We will continue to offer the free bb's to any player who brings out a friend who is new to the field and meets the other criteria as posted on the Wisconsin Airsoft Forums!
Guess I should wish you all a happy and successful 2009 airsoft season as it seems this blog gets neglected for months at a time so it will probably be next year before I get around to updating it again. Remember when Santa leaves all that cool new airsoft gear under the Christmas tree to play safe and wear your goggles. Please do not do dumb things like brandishing your new airsoft guns in public. Find yourself a local airsoft field and head over to "share the welts" with the guys who love to hunt people....Safely!
Happy Hunting in 2009.
Till next time

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