Aug 18, 2007

Cops run short of ammo due to war

On the front page of the twin cities Pioneer Press was an article with the above title written by Estes Thompson. In short the article explains that police around the nation are running low on ammo for practice due to the military using up huge amounts in Iraq and for troop live fire exercises. A spokesman for the Eau Claire WI Police Dept Lt. Karl Fisher was quoted as saying the department ordered 65,000 rounds of ammo costing about $20.000 in February 2007. He was told by the manufacturer it could take up to 10 months for full delivery. Police say they like to train with weapons that are the exact size, weight, and feel of their duty weapons further driving this shortage of ammunition. I wonder if they have considered airsoft guns for training....mmmm lets see exact size, exact feel, and the full metal gas blowback airsoft guns are almost the exact weight. You can actually fire these at each other and get the adrenaline rush only a live aggressive target that is returning fire can provide. Ammo cost "NIL" $20.000 worth of airsoft gun BB's would probably last them 10 years then multiply that accross the nation and OMG think of the savings to each P.D. by simply switching to airsoft guns for police training.

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