Aug 25, 2007

Airsoft Video Testing

We have been busy at the airsoft gun store cleaning up all the dust caused by the city of Eau Claire tearing down the building next door to us. Thursday and Friday were both spent watching in amazement as a large CAT reduced the building that used to stand about 8' away from ours to several large pile of rubble and debris. Then they loaded it all up on semi trailers and hauled it away. We got video footage of this and I will be trying to put it on the blog soon. As a test I am going to try to post our Battleship down airsoft game video to see if it works. We are hosting an AEC class at the ABZ field tommorow and then a mini Operation Plague zombie airsoft game that looks like it could be a blast. Well hope the Airsoft video works


1 comment:

OneEar said...

You use many acronymns. Cngrltns.